For End Users
ATHENA end users are machine tool owners and operators who are interested in empowering employees and boosting efficiencies by applying ATHENA technology to the machines in their shops.
Benefits of ATHENA
ATHENA was designed with the human operator in mind and is dedicated to empowering and enabling machinists, not automating them. ATHENA saves time in training and onboarding novice machinists and assists skilled machinists by making useful information more accessible. As a result, ATHENA makes operators more efficient and factories more productive.
Work with ATHENA
Out of the box, Athena comes with hardware (headset, computer, and connecting peripherals) and software to enable basic interaction on select OEM platforms. Athena has built-in capabilities to control the machine, request status reports, calculate key measurements, and coach operators on a broad range of processes and activities.

Contact Team ATHENA
Team ATHENA is ready to work with you to create the next generation of machine capabilities and performance.